Herpes zoster, usually referred to as shingles, is a typical viral infection brought on by the varicella zoster virus reactivating. The human herpesvirus family includes the varicella zoster virus, also referred to as herpes zoster.
The varicella zoster virus stays dormant in the body after a person suffers chickenpox. The virus stays dormant in nerves after chickenpox, the most typical form of varicella zoster, and may reappear years later, bringing new symptoms.
Senior citizens and those with weaker immune systems are more prone to contracting herpes zoster. It causes a burning sensation followed by a painful blisters rash that usually affects only one spot on the body.
The first appearance of herpes zoster is frequently a painful sensation in one area of the body. The pain can be characterised as:
The rash is the sign of shingles that is most frequently recognised. The position of the rash depends on where the herpes zoster virus has remained dormant in the body. The rash occurs on the dermatome related with the affected nerve.
Herpes zoster is generally treated with antiviral medication in people who are immunocompetent. These drugs assist to minimise the duration and intensity of shingles by reducing pain and boosting blister healing. After the rash occurs, medication should be taken as soon as possible.
Drugs often prescribed include:
Common side-effects of these drugs can include:
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